Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Online PoC- Setting: Where It's At

Setting and Conflict

Bj Sneed


In this lesson, students will experiment with changing the setting in well-known fairy tales and will examine how the conflict would shift in the new setting. Students will explore the Prologue in Romeo and Juliet and analyze how the setting affects the conflict. Finally, students will rewrite their version of the Prologue with a twist. This lesson is multi-modal, which means it's intended to show the face to face, online, and blended versions of the lesson. The online modality lesson provides teachers with online learning resources that may be distributed to students using a Learning Management System (LMS), such as Canvas or eKadence. The lesson below is available for download as a Canvas Cartridge which may be imported into Canvas. The Canvas cartridge includes interactive student activities and teachers notes.

Essential Question(s)

What is the nature of conflict? How can the setting of a story affect conflict?


Engage Students will analyze how changing the setting in a fairy tale might affect the conflict and characters.

Explore Students will watch a video of a reading of the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet and will complete a close reading activity of the prologue using text annotation.

Explain  Students will watch a video about the importance of setting in a story. They will then analyze how the conflict and characters in Romeo and Juliet might have changed if the setting changed. 

Extend Students will revise the prologue from Romeo and Juliet by using another rivalry. They will change the characters, setting, and conflict.

Evaluate  Students will reflect on what they have learned about how setting affects different elements of a story.

Instructional Formats

The term "Multimodality" refers to the ability of a lesson to be offered in more than one modality (i.e. face-to-face, online, blended). This lesson has been designed to be offered in multiple formats, while still meeting the same standards and learning objectives. Though fundamentally the same lesson, you will notice that the different modalities may require the lesson to be approached differently. Select the modality that you are interested in to be taken to the section of the course designed for that form of instruction.



  • I Used to Think, But Now I Know Template

  • Copy of Prologue

  • Paper

  • Pencil

  • Highlighter

  • Flipgrid Presentation Rubric



30 Minute(s)

Tell students: 

“We all grew up hearing different fairy tales. Every good story has some kind of conflict. Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hansel and Gretal, and so on.

In this activity, you are going to think about some familiar fairy tales, but the setting will be different from the original story. Your job is to consider how the conflict and/or characters of the story may change. For example, if the three bears lived in a big city, they would probably  lock their doors. How does this affect the conflict in the story? How does that affect Goldilocks? You might say Goldilocks couldn’t just walk in their house. She would have to break in, which would make her a criminal, escalating the conflict.”

Display slide 5. Tell students:

“Choose one of the given scenarios. Think about how the conflict and/or characters of the story change based on the new setting.”

Display slide 6. Have students write their thoughts in a writer’s notebook or a blank sheet of paper. Students should share with each other using the Elbow Partner strategy. Ask for any volunteers to share with the class. 



45 Minute(s)

Display slide 7. Tell students:

 “In a prologue, we are usually given background information about the text we are about to read, but in Romeo and Juliet, we are also given the ultimate outcome of the play.

After viewing the video presentation, you will complete a close reading of the Prologue.”

View Prologue: Romeo and Juliet

After viewing video, tell students: “Using the Annotating Text strategy, you will look for unfamiliar words, clues to the setting, and emotionally charged words.”

Pass out copies of the Prologue. Display slide 8. Review the instructions on how to annotate. Give students time to annotate the text. This should take 15-20 minutes.

How to annotate:

  • Circle: Unknown words

  • Put a box around: Words that give you a clue to the setting of the story

  • Highlight: Emotionally charged words

  • Underline: Repeated words or phrases

  • In the margins write: Connections you make with the text or any questions you have about the text

Teacher’s note: If teaching virtually, students could use Google Docs to annotate with these options:

Use Google Docs to annotate:

  • Highlight in green: Unknown words

  • Highlight in pink: Words that give you a clue to the setting of the story

  • Highlight in yellow: Emotionally charged words

  • Underline: Repeated words or phrases

  • In the margins or as comments: Connections you make with the text or any questions you have about the text

Display slide 9. Tell the students:

“When you have finished annotating the prologue, use the 3-2-1 Strategy to share your thoughts on it. You will answer the three prompts in the strategy.”

3-2-1 Prompts: 3 words that gave you insight into the setting, 2 inferences you could make about the plot, and 1 prediction. Students should write down their answers to the three prompts in the 3-2-1 strategy.

Technology option: Post your answers to the prompts on the shared Padlet board.

Students should write down their answers to the three prompts in the 3-2-1 strategy. 

Display slide 10. Once again, have students use the Elbow Partner strategy to share their thoughts. Ask for volunteers to share to the whole class.



30 Minute(s)

Display slide 11. View

Then, tell students they are going to view a video giving a some clarification to what they have annotated.

Display slide 12. View

Tell students: “On a sheet of paper, write your thoughts of how the characters, conflict, and outcome might be different in the play if Romeo and Juliet took place today in another city. Maybe it takes place in your town and either Romeo or Juliet is your friend. How would a change in setting affect the characters or conflict?”



60 Minute(s)

Display slide 13. Tell students:

“In this activity, you will rewrite the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet using a different setting, conflict, and characters. When planning your revision, consider carefully how the setting has impacted/will impact the conflict in your story. 

Shakespeare wrote in a very specific way and there is a rhythm to the lines that you could try to mimic. Try to use the same poetic form as the original Prologue in Romeo and Juliet, i.e., 14 lines, every other line rhymes except for the last two, last two lines rhyme.”

Some ideas for rivalries/enemies are listed on the slide, but students should be allowed to come up with their own pair if they so choose. You could copy these and hand out to students, or you could brainstorm a list with students.

Teacher’s note: If students do not have a good understanding of the Prologue, here is a modern translation. You could copy the translation or review using Slide 14.

Give students time to write their revision of the Prologue. This might take an entire class period.

Teacher’s Note: You could add a presentation piece to this activity by having students share their writing on a video on Flipgrid or they could perform in front of the class.



30 Minute(s)

Teacher’s note: You may print a copy of the I Used to Think, But Now I Know template, or students could create a T-chart on a blank sheet of paper.

Display slide 15. Tell students:

“You will now create a Flipgrid video sharing what you have learned about setting and how it affects the conflict in a story. 

Before you record your reflection, complete this I Used to Think, But Now I Know template. Consider what you knew about setting and its role in a story before you started this lesson. Record that on the left side of the T-Chart. Then, think about what you have learned as you completed the activities in this lesson. Write that on the right side of the T-Chart. Use this information to create your reflection for the video. Be sure to include examples from the lesson in your discussion and how setting affects the conflict in a story.

Be sure to speak clearly and practice before you record your presentation.”

Teacher’s note: If you prefer, students could write their reflection instead of making a video. This could be done in Google Docs or handwritten.

Explain - Facilitator Notes

In this activity, students will view a video about the setting of a story and how it relates to other story elements. Students have been instructed to watch two videos and share their reflections about how setting can affect conflict and other elements in a story. They will share their reflections in an online discussion.  This activity has been included in the Canvas Cartridge. To facilitate this activity in another Learning Management System (LMS), such as Canvas or eKadence, or a virtual classroom, like Google Classroom, you may copy the instructions from the student content section (below).

To create and share a Padlet, view the Padlet tutorials

*Note the recommended posting settings

To learn how to create and share Flipgrid topics, view the following tutorials:

Flipgrid Tutorials

To facilitate this activity online, you may copy the suggested verbiage and procedures found in the student content section (below) and share them with student in an LMS or virtual classroom.

Explain - Student Content

Student Overview

In this activity, you will view a video about the setting of a story and how it relates to other story elements. When you finish watching the video, you will watch another video that helps explain the key points of the Prologue in Romeo and Juliet. You will then reflect on the changes in characters, conflict, or plot that might occur in Romeo and Juliet if the setting changes.

Provide students with a link to the following videos:


The goal of this activity is for you to use what you’ve learned about setting and how it affects other parts of a story and to write a new version of the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet.


  • On the discussion board, write about how the characters, conflict, or outcome might be different if Romeo and Juliet took place today in another city. 

    • You might consider your own community as a setting for the story. Maybe Romeo and Juliet might be your friends or yourself and your boyfriend/girlfriend. 

    • Click the link below for  some useful sentence starters to help you with your post and comments:

  • Make one or two original, constructive comments on your classmates’ posts. Remember,  “This is cool” or “Awesome!” are not good examples of constructive comments. Think about what you like about the post or maybe what you didn’t think about until you saw their post. You could start off your comment with something like “I really like how you …” or “I agree with what you said about (blank) because…”

Extend - Facilitator Notes

In this activity, students will rewrite the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet using a different setting, conflict, and characters. 

If this activity will be added to an LMS or virtual classroom, be sure to provide an option for students to submit their document or share a link to their file. In Canvas.

Extend - Student Content

Student Overview

In this activity, you will rewrite the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet using a different setting, conflict, and characters.


  1. Choose a rivalry/enemies pair from the list or come up with your own.


  • North and South

  • America and England

  • Dog and cat

  • Mufasa and Scar

  • Titanic passengers (upper/lower class)

  • Sports teams

  • Coke and Pepsi

  • Star Wars and Star Trek

  • Bacon and Sausage

  • University of Oklahoma and University of Texas

  • Facebook and Twitter

  • The Avengers and Thanos

  • Xbox and PlayStation

  • Android and Apple

  • Mac and PC

  • Marvel and DC

  • Rivals/enemies from a book you have read

  1. When planning your revision, consider carefully how the setting has impacted/will impact the conflict in your story. 

  1. Read this modern translation of the Prologue. You need a good understanding of it in order to write your own version.

  1. Shakespeare wrote in a very specific way and there is a rhythm to the lines that you could try to mimic. Try to use the same poetic form as the original Prologue in Romeo and Juliet, i.e., 14 lines, every other line rhymes except for the last two, last two lines rhyme. 

  1. You may use Google Docs, or Microsoft Word to compose your story.

  2. When you complete your version of the Prologue, upload the completed document as a file or share a URL to the file.

Evaluate - Facilitator Notes

Students will use the I Used to Think, But Now I Know strategy to reflect on what they have learned about setting in a story. Students have been instructed to create a Flipgrid video sharing what they have learned about setting and how it affects the conflict in a story. 

To facilitate this activity, you will need to set up a Flipgrid account and create a Flipgrid topic. 

To learn how to create and share a Flipgrid topic, view the tutorials below:

  • Create a Flipgrid Topic to facilitate students recitation of their poem

View the Flipgrid tutorials to learn how to create a Fligrid Topic and Share a Flipgrid with students

After you have created the Flipgrid topic, provide students with the following instructions:

Evaluate - Student Content

Student Overview

Finally, you will use the I Used to Think, But Now I Know strategy to reflect on what you have learned about setting in a story.Then, you will create a Flipgrid video sharing what you have learned about setting and how it affects the conflict in a story.


  1. Consider what you knew about setting and its role in a story before you started this lesson. Record that on the left side of the I Used to Think, But Now I Know template.

  1. Think about what you have learned about setting and conflict in a story as you completed the activities in this lesson. Write that on the right side of the I Used to Think, But Now I Know template.

  1. Use the information from your I Used to Think, But Now I Know chart to create your reflection for the video. Don’t forget to:

  • Include examples from the lesson in your discussion of how setting affects the conflict in a story.

  • Speak clearly and practice before you record your presentation.

  1. Click the following Flipgrid link to record your video reflection:

  1. Make one or two original, constructive comments on your classmates’ posts. Remember,  “This is cool” or “Awesome!” are not good examples of constructive comments. Think about what you like about the post or maybe what you didn’t think about until you saw their post. You could start off your comment with something like “I really like how you …” or “I agree with what you said about (blank) because…” Here are some useful sentence starters to help you with your comments. 
