Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

Choice Boards

Adam Yeargin, Mariah Warren | Published: September 16th, 2020 by K20 Center


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Choice Boards

Choice Boards are an accessible and customizable way to bring differentiated instruction into any classroom. Themed activity grids can be designed with activities of varying difficulty levels and point values for students to choose from. They allow students' personal interests and preferences to be stimulated for greater engagement and active learning.

Choice Boards


Customizable Choice Boards guide students in choosing different ways to learn or practice a particular concept. Choice Boards contain a variety of activities of varying difficulty levels for students to choose from. This allows for accessible differentiated instruction in any classroom, letting students' interests and personal preferences stimulate active learning and engagement.


  1. Determine what you expect students to learn and what activities can be used to evaluate these learning concepts. These activities should revolve around a single concept or learning goal (for example, "The Outsiders" book in ELA or 3D shapes in math). Optionally, you may have students create or vote on the activities they'd like to see on the Choice Board.

  2. Create a grid—typically 3x3 for a total of 9 squares—or use the template provided. Add directions for one activity per square. Include directions at the top of the page, answer fields if necessary, and, if applicable, a "point total" field at the bottom of the page and the number of points allotted for each activity (based on difficulty or time required).

  3. After students receive their Choice Boards, invite them to select activities to complete. You may ask students to achieve a certain point total, to fill a row or column like a Bingo card, or leave the goal up to the students.

  4. Have students fill out their Choice Boards as they work.

Daly, L. (2019, February 5). How I Use Choice Boards to Increase Student Engagement. Retrieved from Reinken, C. (2012, July 11). How to Use Choice Boards to Differentiate Learning. Retrieved from