Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Mariana DeLoera

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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In this lesson, students learn about the history of assimilation in the education system and how it led to the rise of Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). Students begin by becoming familiar with some of the many famous and successful people who attended TCUs. Then, after reading a short article... Read more »

Educator Resource

Tag Target Audience

  • Administrators, All Staff or Teachers, Campus Visits, New Teachers, Parents, Students, Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year, Pre-Service Training, Summer Session

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Aligning with Other Programs, Annotating Text, Brainstorming, Collaborate, College-Going Culture, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Cross-Curricular, Organize, Reason, Recognize, Reflection, Research, Speak & Listen, Student Choice

Tag ICAP (Individual Career Academic Planning)

  • College & Career Interest, Post-Secondary and Workforce Goals

Tag College & Career Readiness Framework

  • College Admissions Procedures, College Admissions, College Visits, Extracurricular Activities, Finding a Good Fit, Required Courses, College Expenses, Tuition and Fees, Paying for College, Grants, Scholarships and Loans

Tag Family Engagement

  • Decision-Making, School Environment, Supporting Student Success
Time Frame 100 minutes

An Identity Chart is a graphic organizer used to deepen understanding of a person, place, or topic. This graphic tool can help students further understand content, share their own previous knowledge, and break down stereotypes or misconceptions. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Individual, Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening, Explore/Learning Activity, Evaluate/Assessment

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • Less Than 10 Minutes, 10 - 20 Minutes, 20 - 30 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Activate Prior Knowledge, Active Engagement, Brainstorming, Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Elaborate, Evaluate, Hypothesize, Identify, Infer, Organize, Reflection, Writing

In this lesson, students will learn about the rise of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and the important role they play in postsecondary education. Students will begin by familiarizing themselves with some of the famous and successful people who have attended an HSI. After reading a short article... Read more »

Educator Resource

Tag Target Audience

  • Campus Visits, Students

Tag Calendar Placement

  • 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Individual, Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4), Whole Class

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Action Plans, Active Engagement, Aligning with Other Programs, Collaborate, College-Going Culture, Critical Thinking, Cross-Curricular, Persuade, Problem Solving, Research

Tag ICAP (Individual Career Academic Planning)

  • College & Career Interest, Post-Secondary and Workforce Goals

Tag College & Career Readiness Framework

  • College Admissions Procedures, College Admissions, College Visits, Extracurricular Activities, Finding a Good Fit, Required Courses, College Expenses, Effort Costs, Tuition and Fees

Tag Family Engagement

  • Decision-Making, School Environment, Supporting Student Success
Time Frame 100 minutes
Power to the People

The Civil Rights Movement and The Black Panther Party

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th Grade

This lesson examines the role of organizations such as the Black Panther Party in advocating for social justice during the Civil Rights Movement. Using texts, images, and the Black Panther Party's Ten Point Program, students learn how the Black Panther Party fought against social injustices. By the... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Power to the People

The Civil Rights Movement and The Black Panther Party

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th Grade

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.7.1C
More 2 Periods
Time Frame 100 minutes

In this lesson, students learn the history, culture, and importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Students begin by becoming familiar with some of the many famous and successful people who attended HBCUs. Then, after reading a short article about the history of HBCUs, they perform... Read more »

Educator Resource

Tag Target Audience

  • Campus Visits, Students

Tag Calendar Placement

  • 1st Nine Weeks, 2nd Nine Weeks, 3rd Nine Weeks, 4th Nine-Weeks, Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Whole Class

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Analyze, Brainstorming, Collaborate, College-Going Culture, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Cross-Curricular, Identify, Present, Problem Solving, Reason, Recognize, Reflection, Research, Student Choice, Summarize

Tag ICAP (Individual Career Academic Planning)

  • College & Career Interest

Tag College & Career Readiness Framework

  • College Admissions Procedures, College Admissions, College Visits, Finding a Good Fit
Time Frame 90 minutes
Remembering Emmett Till

The Early Struggles Against Jim Crow and Racism

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this lesson, students are introduced to the life and legacy of Emmett Louis Till. Jim Crow laws had enforced segregation throughout the South for decades, and numerous African-Americans had fallen victim to violent lynchings. Till’s brutal murder was for many Americans the last straw, and it served... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Remembering Emmett Till

The Early Struggles Against Jim Crow and Racism

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.1.2, USH.1.2C
More 1-2 period(s)
Time Frame 90 minutes
Tinker v. Des Moines and the First Amendment

What Are Your Rights as a Student?

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

In this lesson, students will explore the protected rights all students have on school grounds based on the precedent set by 1969 Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines. Students will analyze how this court case helped to clarify and extend students' First Amendment freedoms, then they will reflect... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Tinker v. Des Moines and the First Amendment

What Are Your Rights as a Student?

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. Government

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USG.3.10, USG.3.10D
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 100 minutes
Deconstructing Reconstruction

The Reconstruction Era

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this lesson, students analyze the legislation enacted immediately following the Civil War and examine the effects that legislation had, especially on newly freed slaves. Students will then make connections between the harsh realities of the Reconstruction Era and more current Civil Rights issues... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Deconstructing Reconstruction

The Reconstruction Era

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.1, USH.1.2, USH.1.2B, USH.1.2C
More 1-2 periods
Time Frame 90 minutes
¡Si Se Puede!

The United Farm Workers Union and the Delano Grape Strike

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

In this lesson about the labor movement, students will compare and contrast photos of farmworkers that were taken before the start of the movement and in the present day. Students will watch a video and examine an infographic to learn about the injustices faced by farmworkers, the rise of the labor... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
¡Si Se Puede!

The United Farm Workers Union and the Delano Grape Strike

Tag Related

  • Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • ICAP, Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.7.2D
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 100 minutes
American Exclusivity

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th Grade

In this lesson, students explore factors leading up to the passage of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and reflect on the impact it had on Asian Americans. Students work in pairs to analyze a document packet and complete a H-chart that synthesizes the documents to answer an overall essential question. Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
American Exclusivity

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th Grade

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.1.3B
More 100 minutes
Time Frame 1-2 class period(s)