This lesson introduces the idea of energy flow in ecosystems using energy pyramids. It also exposes students to a career in scientific illustration. Students participate in a game that models energy flow through trophic levels and calculate the transfer of energy up an energy pyramid. After learning... Read more »
Ecological Energy Pyramids and Science Illustration
In this lesson about the growth and development of organisms, students will gather evidence from research about specific plant phenomena, then use research and in-class investigations to explain the relationship between environmental conditions and plant growth. Activities throughout the lesson will... Read more »
Growth and Development of Organisms
This lesson examines the phenomenon of coral bleaching as a context for learning about photosynthesis. Students investigate photosynthesis' inputs and outputs using an online simulation activity and connect these elements to the relationship between coral and their symbiotic algae. Student will also... Read more »
Photosynthesis and Coral Reef Health
In this lesson, students connect passive transport across a semi-permeable membrane to show how the antibiotic vancomycin works to kill MRSA. Students complete two simple osmosis and diffusion investigations, learn the details of passive transport, and apply their conceptual understanding to create... Read more »
Passive Transport, Homeostasis, and Antibiotics
Observing a polyurea-coated watermelon dropping from a 148-foot drop as a phenomenon, students will develop an understanding of how the coating is formed via a chemical reaction and what properties make the substance so durable. Through models and observational data, students will explain how the molecular... Read more »
Chemical Properties and Reactions
In this lesson, students make connections between severe weather events and human behavior. Students will play through AWARE: Advanced Weather Awareness & Response Education, a digital game-based learning (DGBL) module; explore population growth data; and research the economic sectors and natural resources... Read more »
The Influence of Natural Hazards on Human Activity
In this lesson, students will develop cladograms and phylogenetic trees to predict manatees' evolutionary relationships to several other mammals. By comparing trees based on morphological characteristics with trees made from protein sequences, students will deepen their understanding of why scientists... Read more »
Using Genomic Data to Evaluate Evolutionary Relationships
Meaningful student discussion is an important component of Authentic instruction, but many teachers find it challenging to facilitate effectively. This session explores effective approaches to planning for and facilitating student discussion, common discussion roadblocks, and strategies to support meaningful... Read more »
This lesson is a middle school adaptation of the high school "How Does Your Garden Grow?" lesson. Students will explore soil health principles, soil chemistry, nutrient cycles, and environmental impacts of soil quality. Students will construct models that demonstrate the flow of matter and energy in... Read more »
Conservation, Ecosystems, and Soil Health
This lesson is a middle school adaptation of the high school "How Does Your Garden Grow?" lesson. Students will explore soil health principles, soil chemistry, nutrient cycles, and environmental impacts of soil quality and investigate optimal soil conditions in which to grow plants. Using the data and... Read more »
Conservation, Ecosystems, and Soil Health