Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Michell Eike

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Law of Sines


Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

In this lesson, students will discover how a given side, side, and angle could result in 0, 1, or 2 triangles. They will then learn the Law of Sines and use it to find missing side lengths and angle measures. This lesson is intended to be taught before the Law of Cosines lesson and after students learn... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Law of Sines


Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

Course Course

  • Precalculus

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 80-100 minutes
Numbered Heads Together

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Kindergarten - Secondary

This cooperative learning strategy engages students in processing and checking their understanding of a lesson. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Whole Class

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Evaluate/Assessment

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • Less Than 10 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement, Collaborate, Elaborate, Speak & Listen, Summarize

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Kindergarten - Secondary
Finding Factors, Part 2

Factoring Polynomials

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

In this lesson, students will recall expanding polynomials and factoring quadratics. Students will learn how to factor polynomials with two, three, or four terms: difference of two squares, sum or difference of two cubes, trinomials of the quadratic form that are not quadratics, and grouping. Students... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson Hybrid
Finding Factors, Part 2

Factoring Polynomials

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.A.1.4, A2.A.2.1
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 105-130 minutes
Finding Factors, Part 1

Factoring Quadratics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

In this lesson, students will recall finding greatest common factors (GCFs) of polynomials and the relationship between the factored and standard forms of a quadratic expression. Then, students will learn how to factor using the TRI method. Students will use this knowledge to factor and solve (factorable)... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Finding Factors, Part 1

Factoring Quadratics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2, Intermediate Algebra

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.A.1.1, A2.A.2.1
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 110-135 minutes
Law of Cosines

Triangulation and Mapping

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

This is a lesson for Law of Cosines, which also connects Law of Sines and Law of Cosines to map triangulation. Students will receive a brief introduction to Trig Pillars: a tool used in the United Kingdom in the mid-20th century to help with mapmaking. Then, they will go through an informal proof of... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Law of Cosines

Triangulation and Mapping

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 11th - 12th

Course Course

  • Precalculus

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics
More 1-2 class period(s)
Time Frame 80-90 minutes
Matrix Operations

Matrices in Computer Graphics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

In this lesson, students will discover how matrices are used in computer graphics. Students will learn how to perform the matrix operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and scalar multiplication. They will then learn how multiplying matrices relates to transformations and, in turn, animation... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Matrix Operations

Matrices in Computer Graphics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.N.1.3
More 2-3 class periods
Time Frame 90-130 minutes
Designing Your Area

Area and Perimeter of Regular Polygons

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 10th

In this lesson, students will use their existing knowledge to find the area and perimeter of triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids to discover how to find the area of a regular polygon and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Designing Your Area

Area and Perimeter of Regular Polygons

Course Course

  • Geometry

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 10th

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • G.2D.1.6
More 2 periods
Time Frame 70-90 minutes
Radical Yet Rational, Part 3

Extraneous Solutions

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

In this lesson, students will recall solving equations with rational exponents and radicals. Using graphs, students will recall evaluating and solving equations with function notation. Students then will learn how to address extraneous solutions and why they exist. Students will apply this new knowledge... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson Hybrid
Radical Yet Rational, Part 3

Extraneous Solutions

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.N.1.4, A2.A.1.5
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 65-80 minutes

From graphing functions to plotting tables of data to creating sliders in order to allow exploration of transformations, the Desmos Studio graphing calculator is a great free resource for both students and teachers. Desmos Studio has graphing, scientific, four-function, and matrix calculators. You and... Read more »

Tech Tool
All About That Base, Part 2

Solving Logarithmic Equations

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

In this lesson, students will discover properties of logarithms. Students will use the properties to work through a proof of the change of base formula, to solve logarithmic equations, and to evaluate logarithmic expressions. Prerequisites for this lesson include solving exponential equations using... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson Hybrid
All About That Base, Part 2

Solving Logarithmic Equations

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Course Course

  • Algebra 2

Subject Subject

  • Mathematics

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • A2.A.1.6, A2.F.2.4
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 80-90 minutes