Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Cody Sivertsen

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Recent Publications

Tricks of the Trade

International Trade Agreements

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th Grade

In this lesson, students examine the nature and function of international trade agreements in the world economy. Through engaging in an interactive story, students learn many important concepts regarding world trade. In addition, students explore both the benefits and drawbacks of trade agreements through... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Tricks of the Trade

International Trade Agreements

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • Economics, World History

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th Grade

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • WH.6.1
More 1-2 periods
Time Frame 50-100 minutes
Why Can't We Be Friends?

Nixon Diplomacy

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Students will begin this lesson by establishing their current understanding of diplomacy tactics by discussing Magnetic Statements independently and collaboratively. Students will learn about President Richard Nixon's diplomatic ventures by reading and annotating articles, then filling out a graphic... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Why Can't We Be Friends?

Nixon Diplomacy

Tag Related

  • Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - 12th

Subject Subject

  • ICAP, Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • USH.6.4
More 2 class periods
Time Frame 60-90 minutes
Quarter Peeks

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - 12th

Quarter Peeks is a strategy used to evaluate political cartoons or images by focusing on one quadrant of the visual at a time. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Small Group, Small Group (at least 4)

Copied To Clipboard Placement In Lesson

  • Engage/Opening, Explore/Learning Activity

Time Frame Time To Complete

  • Less Than 10 Minutes, 10 - 20 Minutes

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Activate Prior Knowledge, Analyze, Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Hypothesize, Interpret, Recognize, Summarize

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - 12th