Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Shayna Pond

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Recent Publications

Image Mash-up

Digital Image Editing, Collage Art, and Fair Use

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - Secondary

In this visual arts lesson, students will look at examples of photo touch-ups, restoration, and mash-ups. They will practice by attempting to make a mash-up with provided practice images. As a class, students will discuss what they tried to do with the software to make it work, share any tricks learned,... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
Image Mash-up

Digital Image Editing, Collage Art, and Fair Use

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 9th - Secondary

Subject Subject

  • Visual Arts

Course Course

  • Visual Arts

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • I.VA.CP.1.1 , I.VA.CP.2.2 , I.VA.ARCM.1.4
More 2 periods
Time Frame

Krita is a free digital painting and image editing program that was created by artists who wanted everyone to have access to art tools. It can be downloaded and used on either a Mac or a PC. Read more »

Tech Tool
Aspects of Student Engagement

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Secondary

Research shows numerous positive correlations between academic achievement and student engagement when using strategies that target engagement. The K20 Center uses an instrument ( built from this research to facilitate reflective, data-driven action research to increase... Read more »

Lesson Collection

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers, New Teachers, Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Medium Group (at least 10)

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Active Engagement

Tag Family Engagement

  • School Environment, Supporting Student Success

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Secondary
Time Frame
Cooperative Processing

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 1st - Secondary

This process is helpful for shared decision-making. The structure enables all voices to be heard and considered in the decision-making process. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10)

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Brainstorming, Collaborate, Elaborate, Problem Solving, Speak & Listen, Synthesize

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 1st - Secondary

Students explore the benefits of working in a group with diverse viewpoints and reflect on their own work preferences and how they shape the ways they contribute to group work. Read more »

Educator Resource

Tag Target Audience

  • Students

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

User Group Group Size

  • Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Persuade, Physical Movement, Problem Solving, Reason, Speak & Listen

Tag College & Career Readiness Framework

  • College Admissions Procedures, Extracurricular Activities
Time Frame 90-120 minutes

A completely free and simple to use cross-platform compatible animation tool. Students can create their own animations by sketching keyframes on a timeline using any tablet with digital drawing capability. Read more »

Tech Tool
People Here, People There, People, People Everywhere

Population Density of Japan

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - 7th

In this lesson, students learn about the effects of a high population density and what it would be like to live in one of the world's most densely populated areas—Tokyo, Japan—and it's suburbs. Students will analyze pictures, population density maps, and a short article to build their understanding... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson

Tag Related

  • Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP)

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 6th - 7th

Subject Subject

  • ICAP, Social Studies

Course Course

  • World Geography

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • 7.3.4
More 55 minutes
Time Frame 1 class period(s)
Rose, Bud, and Thorn

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Preschool - 12th

This reflection strategy is used to get students thinking about what they are grateful for and what they look forward to. Or you can use it after a project to reflect on what they are proud of and what they hope to improve on. Read more »

Strategy Instructional Strategy

Grade Level Grade Level

  • Preschool - 12th

Data, data everywhere! But how can teachers get students excited, engaged, and comfortable interacting with it? Students have fun collecting data on all sorts of things in the classroom but struggle with what to do with the data once they are done. Come experience cutting-edge, user-friendly sensor... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

  • Teachers

User Group Group Size

  • Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Action Plans, Active Engagement, Analyze, Critical Thinking, Evaluate, Hypothesize, Identify, Physical Movement, Problem Solving
Time Frame

The College Teams Parent Engagement Perceptions and Opportunities session focuses on examining traditional perceptions of parental involvement. Participants will identify new models for parent engagement that take advantage of opportunities already embedded in school activity frameworks. Read more »

Tag Target Audience

  • Parents

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Action Plans, College-Going Culture
Time Frame 180-200 session(s)