Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Kim Press

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Recent Publications

On Pins and Needles

Effects of the Cold War

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

This lesson will introduce students to the impact of the Cold War within the United States. This lesson is meant to be taught after the WWII content was introduced to students and can be used in tandem with multiple cross-curricular lessons in LEARN. Using hands-on activities, discussions, and research,... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
On Pins and Needles

Effects of the Cold War

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th - 11th

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • U.S. History, World History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • WH.4.7, USH.6.2, USH.6.2A
More 1-2 Class Periods
Time Frame 90 minutes
A Peace of the Pie

Causes and Effects of the Congress of Vienna

This lesson introduces students to the impact of the Congress of Vienna. This lesson is meant to be taught after the French Revolution and Napoleon content has been introduced to students. Using hands-on activities, discussions, and research, students explore the individuals who helped shape the Congress... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson
A Peace of the Pie

Causes and Effects of the Congress of Vienna

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • World History

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • WH.3.1, WH.3.1C, WH.3.1D
More 2 Periods
Time Frame 90 minutes
A Peace Built on Quicksand

Causes of WWII

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th Grade

This lesson is meant to be taught after WWI content and introduces your students to WWII. Students will learn how economic and political issues after WWI lit a fuse that exploded into WWII. Using hands-on activities and discussions, students will explore the vocabulary and multiple causes of WWII. Following... Read more »

Lesson 5E Lesson

Subject Subject

  • Social Studies

Course Course

  • World History

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 10th Grade

Copied To Clipboard Standards

  • WH.4.5, WH.4.5A, WH.4.5B, WH.4.5C
More 2 Periods
Time Frame 100

Research indicates that teachers will likely bear additional duties and responsibilities outside the classroom. These added hours can potentially lead to stress and strain. This session is designed to bridge the two roles of coaching and teaching by understanding their similarities. Participants... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

  • All Staff or Teachers, New Teachers, PLC, Teachers

Tag Calendar Placement

  • Any time of year, Planning/Collaboration/Conference Time, Pre-Service Training, Summer Session

User Group Group Size

  • Large Group (at least 30), Medium Group (at least 10), Small Group, Small Group (at least 4)

Tag Intention Or Purpose

  • Activate Prior Knowledge, Active Engagement, Aligning with Other Programs, Analyze, Brainstorming, Collaborate, Conversation Starter, Critical Thinking, Cross-Curricular, Elaborate, Evaluate, Increase Teacher "Toolbox", Interpret, Physical Movement, Reflection
Time Frame 60-90 minutes