Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Will Markham

LEARN Author

K20 Center

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Recent Publications

Scratch That, Let's Code

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 7th - 12th

The following activities guide you through writing your first code. As you work through the activities, remember that coding is about trying different solutions and making changes until the code works the way you want. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time—computer programmers rarely... Read more »

Educator Resource

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 7th - 12th

Tag ICAP (Individual Career Academic Planning)

  • College & Career Interest

Tag College & Career Readiness Framework

  • Choosing a Career, Benefits of Higher Education, Degrees, Professions, & Earnings
Time Frame
Budgeting Your City

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 8th - 12th

Learning and understanding how cities budget their spending and plan for upcoming fiscal years is important not only to those within the Government and Public Administration career cluster but to all people. City budgets affect everyone who lives in that city, so knowing how your local government is... Read more »

Educator Resource

Grade Level Grade Level

  • 8th - 12th
Time Frame