Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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Google Classroom for Families

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The K20 GEAR UP Google Classroom for Families presentation engages parents to become better informed about Google education software. Through gaining this knowledge, parents will have the necessary skills to forge the parent-school-community partnerships essential to improving academic achievement for... Read more »

Educator Resource

Grade Level Grade Level

Tag Family Engagement

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Google Tools for Families

Grade Level Grade Level

The K20 GEAR UP Google Tools for Families presentation engages parents to become better informed about Google education software so they have the necessary skills to forge the parent-school-community partnerships essential to improving academic achievement for students. This session focuses on the basics... Read more »

Educator Resource

Grade Level Grade Level

Tag Family Engagement

Time Frame

Families will gain an understanding of how postsecondary opportunities increase career choices and lifetime earnings. Students and their families will investigate two career choices and discover the benefits and challenges of each. Families will identify resources and information for the potential funding... Read more »

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