Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

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This professional development session is designed to help teachers employ effective instructional strategies to help students interact with and deepen new content knowledge. These strategies provide in-class opportunities where students can reflect on critical content through cognitively complex tasks.... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Time Frame 60 - 90 minutes

Do you like to disrupt the status quo? Do you want new ways to assess students by using their favorite form of literacy: speaking and listening? Dive into the use of Flipgrid as an alternative formative assessment tool. The #Flipgridfever for Formative Assessments PD session focuses on using Flipgrid... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 90-120 minutes

In this session, participants explore themes from research on the benefits of extra/co-curricular activities and analyze the ways in which club activity design connects back to the research. Facilitators model guidance that participants can apply to their classrooms; this will provide educators with... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 70-80 minutes

A Classroom Framework for Supporting Student Well-Being focuses on creating a common language for safety, connections, and coping strategies in the classroom. Participants will reflect on their teaching practices with an eye towards transforming their classrooms into safe and nurturing spaces. Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 45 minutes

During this session, participants will discover how the use of technology can assist students and their families in preparing for a post secondary education or career. Participants will be given the opportunity to walk through the stages of creating an account and will explore the benefits and functions... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

User Group Group Size

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 1 hour

This session examines the barriers, benefits, and process of creating lessons that touch on standards from more than one subject area. Participants view samples of student products from multidisciplinary lessons, analyze a K20 LEARN lesson, and work to create ideas for collaborative lessons in their... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Time Frame 90 minutes

This session will model authentic, inquiry-based strategies and connect research to the benefits of student engagement. Participants will discuss the strategies they use to engage their students and will create a document to house these strategies for future faculty reference and collaboration. Read more »

Tag Calendar Placement

Time Frame 55-70 minutes

This PD introduces the use of Swivl™ robots in the classroom. Participants will go through the process of setting up the bot, recording video, uploading video to the cloud, and accessing previously saved videos. Additionally, participants will discuss possible uses of Swivl bots both for instructional... Read more »

Professional Learning

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 50-60 minutes
Aspects of Student Engagement

Grade Level Grade Level

Research shows numerous positive correlations between academic achievement and student engagement when using strategies that target engagement. The K20 Center uses an instrument ( built from this research to facilitate reflective, data-driven action research to increase... Read more »

Lesson Collection

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

User Group Group Size

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Tag Family Engagement

Grade Level Grade Level

Time Frame

This professional learning session focuses on providing teachers with foundational knowledge and strategies they can use to promote affective student engagement in the classroom. Participants will explore research on student engagement, analyze engagement scenarios, and generate strategies for improving... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 45 minutes

This professional learning session focuses on providing teachers with foundational knowledge and strategies they can use to promote student behavioral engagement in the classroom. Participants will explore research on student engagement, analyze engagement scenarios, and generate strategies for generating... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 45 minutes

This professional learning session focuses on providing teachers with foundational knowledge and strategies they can use to promote cognitive student engagement in the classroom. Participants will explore research on student engagement, analyze engagement scenarios, and generate strategies for generating... Read more »

Tag Target Audience

Tag Calendar Placement

Tag Intention Or Purpose

Time Frame 45 minutes