Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning

MH - Loved or Feared?

Research Project

Laura Halstied, Daniel Schwarz, Mariana DeLoera, Cody Sivertsen, Tanner Lusher | Published: January 17th, 2023 by Research


This lesson analyzes the writings of Machiavelli and examines how he shaped political thought.

Essential Question(s)

How should leaders treat people whom they govern?


  • Lesson Slides (attached)

  • The Prince excerpts handout (one per student, attached)

  • 3-2-1 handout (one per student, attached)

  • Highlighters

Essential Question and Purpose (Day One)

2 Minute(s)

Use the attached Lesson Slides to guide the lesson. Examine the Essential Question on slide 3: How should leaders treat people whom they govern? Review the purpose of the lesson on slide 4: Students evaluate Machiavelli's impact on political thought.

Anticipatory Set (Day One)

10 Minute(s)

Ask students take out a piece of note paper. Move to slide 5 and have them read the three statements on the slide. Have students independently respond to each statement by writing how much they agree or disagree. Ask them to provide their reasoning for their level of agreement.

Input (Day One)

10 Minute(s)

Move to slide 6 and explain that the political philosopher and the subject of today's lesson is Niccolo Machiavelli. Tell students that Machiavelli wrote about how leaders should behave. Machiavelli would disagree with the statement, "Most people are honest," but would agree with the other two statements.

Display slide 7 and briefly explain to students that Machiavelli lived during a time we refer to as the Renaissance. Slide 7 has a bit of background information about the Renaissance. Move to slide 8 and give students a short biography of Machiavelli.

Modeling (Day One)

15 Minute(s)

Pass out the attached The Prince Excerpts to each student and move to slide 9. Model the strategy Why-Lighting for students by using a document camera, if available. Read the first excerpt with students aloud, and as you read, highlight any phrases that discuss how Machiavelli believed leaders should behave. In the margins, explain the reason for highlighting the statement as it relates to leaders' behaviors.

After completing the first excerpt with students, have students complete the next two excerpts independently.

Day One Survey (End of Day One)

10 Minute(s)

Move to slide 10 and play the short video that provides students with an overview to the first survey they are going to complete. Display slide 11 and have students complete the survey on personal devices using the provided link or QR code.

While students are taking the survey, collect The Prince Excerpts from students for them to use the next time class meets.

Check for Understanding (Day Two)

10 Minute(s)

As students enter the classroom, pass out the attached 3-2-1 handout to each student. Resume the Lesson Slides on slide 12. Tell students they will watch a video about what it means to be "Machiavellian." As they watch the video, they are going to look for the following: (1) three ideas from The Prince; (2) two reasons Machiavelli might have written The Prince; and (3) one lesson for readers from The Prince. Move to slide 13 and play the video for students.

After the video, provide students with time to complete their 3-2-1 handout. Ask for a few volunteers to summarize the ideas from The Prince and explain what readers might have taken away from The Prince after reading it.

Guided Practice (Day Two)

10 Minute(s)

Pass back out The Prince Excerpts from prior day's class.

Move to slide 14 and tell students to read the two statements:

  • A leader should be feared.

  • A leader should be loved.

Either on note paper or on the back of the 3-2-1 handout, have students write which statement they agree more strongly with, and in their response, include their reasoning for their agreement. Tell students to use the excerpts from The Prince they read previously and their 3-2-1 handout as evidence for their response.

Independent Practice (Day Two)

5 Minute(s)

After providing time for students to write their responses, move to slide 15. Have students write a response to the question on the slide: Are today's leaders loved or feared? Students can use note paper or the back of their 3-2-1 handout to write their thoughts. Encourage students to provide real life examples in their response.

Closure (Day Two)

5 Minute(s)

To close the lesson, move to slide 16 and ask students to think about the question: How did Machiavelli and his work influence political thought? Have students write their responses on note paper and collect responses to assess student understanding of the lesson.

Day Two Survey (End of Day Two)

15 Minute(s)

When students are ready, display slide 17 and play the video that explains the survey they are going to now complete on personal devices. After the video, move to to slide 18 and have students complete the survey using the link or QR code.
